Spotlight Sound Studio Website
Web design project for a recording and production studio.
The goal
To create a website that will allow users to view information on the studio and the services offered, interact with the blog, submit consultation and booking requests, make payments, and join the mailing list
The user
Musicians, producers, audio engineers, production companies, record labels, and businesses
The solution
I designed, tested, and maintained this mobile-first website.
Here is the full-size desktop version of the Home page:
I designed a responsive layout specifically optimized for smaller screens and tablets. This involved adjusting font sizes and dynamically scaling images within a 12-column grid layout. For screens narrower than 834 pixels, the navigation transitions to a sleek hamburger menu, ensuring simplicity and maximizing available screen space.
Here's the mobile version featuring a condensed navigation. The hero image has been relocated above the main text, ensuring its visibility. Below, the photo gallery transitions to a 2-column layout to maintain image quality. Additionally, the mailing list signup and payment options are now stacked, with text size further reduced for enhanced mobile readability.
Here's a demonstration of the navigation layout when the user taps on the hamburger menu icon. This approach darkens the screen and a navigation slides in from the right-hand side.
Thanks to this website, which not only served as a marketing platform but also as an e-commerce center, the studio clinched the title of 'Best Recording Studio in Alpharetta' for four consecutive years. This digital platform seamlessly guided visitors through sections, offering insights into the studio's services and amenities. Whether users were perusing service details, scheduling consultations, blog posts, or handling payments, the website facilitated every step with ease. Its exceptional experience wasn't just a perk; it played a pivotal role in the studio's success, boasting revenue that surpassed the $1 million mark.